Mouth Wrinkles

CO2 Laser Treatment for Mouth Wrinkles and Smoker’s Lines: A Guide

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As we age, the skin around our mouth can become more prone to wrinkles and fine lines, especially if we smoke or have spent a lot of time in the sun. Fortunately, there are ways to rejuvenate this area of the face and restore a more youthful appearance. One of the most effective treatments for mouth wrinkles and smoker’s lines is CO2 laser treatment. In this article, we will explore how this treatment works, its benefits, and what you can expect before, during, and after the procedure.

The Benefits of CO2 Laser Treatment for Mouth Wrinkles and Smoker’s Lines

CO2 laser treatment is a very effective way to reduce deep wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth. Here are some of the benefits of this treatment:

1. Stimulates collagen production: CO2 laser treatment works by stimulating collagen production in the skin. This helps to improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

2. Precision treatment: The CO2 laser is highly precise, allowing for targeted treatment of specific areas. This means that the surrounding skin is not affected, minimizing the risk of scarring or other complications.

3. Long-lasting results: The effects of CO2 laser treatment can last for several years, making it an excellent investment in your appearance. We will generally put you on a skin maintenance plan following treatment to ensure best long-term outcomes.

How CO2 Laser Treatment Works for Mouth Wrinkles and Smoker’s Lines

CO2 laser treatment works by delivering short pulses of laser energy to the skin around the mouth. This energy vapourises damaged tissue, causing the skin to contract and stimulating the production of new collagen. As a result, the skin becomes tighter, smoother, and texturally rejuvenated.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and typically takes less than an hour to complete. It is performed either under local anaesthetic or light sedation, based on patient preference. Once the anaesthetic has taken effect, the laser is passed over the skin in a controlled manner, targeting the areas with the most wrinkles and fine lines. The procedure is relatively painless following anaesthetic.

What to Expect Before, During, and After CO2 Laser Treatment

Before the Procedure

Before the procedure, the patient will have a consultation Dr Manoharan or his team to discuss their cosmetic goals and any concerns they may have. They will have their skin and medical history evaluated to determine if they are a good candidate for CO2 laser treatment. They will also be provided with detailed instructions on how to prepare for the treatment, which may include avoiding certain medications or skincare products in the days leading up to the procedure.

During the Procedure

During the procedure, the patient will be given local anaesthetic or light sedation, to numb the area around their mouth. The laser is then passed over the skin in a controlled manner, targeting the areas with the most wrinkles and fine lines. The procedure typically takes less than an hour to complete, depending on the size of the treatment area.

After the Procedure

After the procedure, the patient will experience redness, swelling and weeping of the treatment areas. They will be provided with the appropriate cleansers and antibiotic moisturisers to use, as well as oral antibiotics and antivirals. Discomfort is managed with prescribed analgesics. The patient will provided with detailed post-treatment instructions on how to care for their skin and reduce the risk of complications. It is essential to follow these instructions carefully to ensure optimal results.


CO2 laser treatment is an effective and safe way to reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth. This treatment works by stimulating collagen production, removing damaged tissue, and promoting skin remodelling.